The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has ruled in favor of Microsoft, dismissing an antitrust complaint filed against the tech giant. The complaint centered on Microsoft’s practice of bundling its antivirus software with its Windows operating system.
The CCI stated that there was no initial evidence suggesting Microsoft had violated the Competition Act. The initial complaint alleged that Microsoft had unfairly hindered the development and market access of competing antivirus software developers to protect its own position in the market. However, Microsoft countered that the antivirus solutions market is competitive, with numerous players actively vying for market share.

This dismissal effectively closes the case, with the CCI determining that Microsoft’s actions do not constitute anti-competitive behavior. The decision highlights the importance of demonstrating a prima facie case, or a claim based on initial impression, when filing antitrust complaints. The CCI’s review process aims to ensure fair competition while avoiding unwarranted restraints on business practices.