Recent research conducted in Switzerland has revealed that OpenAI’s ChatGPT, like humans, may experience stress when exposed to distressing news and traumatic narratives. The study suggests that the sophisticated AI model doesn’t just process information; it can also be negatively impacted by the content it receives, leading to behavioral changes.
The groundbreaking research team found that the AI, when fed with distressing news stories or traumatic events, would exhibit signs of stress. This included altered response patterns and changes in its conversational style. These responses, while not identical to human emotional reactions, showed that the AI was affected by the nature of the information it absorbed.
Researchers believe that this capacity suggests a future where AI systems, much like humans, may benefit from therapeutic interventions. The study opens up an area of research that investigates the ethical implications of AI in processing information and how it may impact its performance and output, making it more human-like. Given the AI’s capacity to experience stress, experts have noted the possibility that this could affect its performance and overall output, which opens new ideas for how AI should be designed and programmed.