Union Alumni Partnership Leads to Innovation in Orthopedics
The bonds formed at Union College are proving to be a powerful force in the medical technology industry. Phil Kemp (’13) and Connor Owen (’13), both graduates of Union, are collaborating at X-Bolt Orthopedics, an Irish med-tech startup, to develop and commercialize advanced solutions for bone injuries. Their shared educational experiences and close friendship have been instrumental in the company’s success.

Phil Kemp, President & COO at X-Bolt Orthopedics
Kemp, now the president and COO of X-Bolt, recognized Owen’s potential to lead the U.S. commercialization of the company’s flagship product. “Since Connor has a background across multiple industries and disciplines, including roles at GE and Stryker, I felt confident that he could wear the required range of hats to navigate the world of a startup,” Kemp said. He emphasized that their established trust made it easier to make key hires. Owen, who serves as the director of marketing and clinical development, was drawn to the opportunity. “Leaving one of the largest medical device companies (Stryker) for a startup ultimately came down to two key factors: my trust in Phil’s leadership and my belief in X-Bolt technology,” Owen stated.
“After just a few conversations with Phil, I knew he was the same steady, consistent and calculated leader I met at Union. That made the decision an easy one.” – Connor Owen

Connor Owen, Director of Marketing & Clinical Development at X-Bolt Orthopedics
Kemp and Owen first met during a first-year preceptorial course. Despite the distance between them after graduation – Kemp in Dublin and Owen in New Hampshire – their relationship remained strong. Now, they are working together to bring X-Bolt’s technology to orthopedic patients, beginning in the United States.
“I joined X-Bolt in 2022 in Ireland and recruited Connor to be our second U.S. employee in 2024. He’s working remotely from the U.S. in the role of director of marketing and clinical development,” Kemp explained. “As a team, we transitioned X-Bolt from early-stage research and development to a fully launched product in the marketplace.”
Pro-X1: A Novel Approach to Hip Fracture Treatment
X-Bolt Orthopedics has developed the Pro-X1 Trochanteric Nail to address a critical medical need: hip fractures. This is a common injury, particularly among older adults. The Pro-X1 uses an expandable bolt to stabilize the hip joint, a departure from traditional lag screws. “The biggest difference in our design is the increased fixation from our expandable bolt. This is especially important in osteoporotic or mushy bone,” Owen noted.

The Pro-X1 Trochanteric Nail is a new device for hip fracture treatment
X-Bolt data indicates a notable advantage of its technology compared to conventional lag screws. Kemp stated, “X-Bolt saw a cut out rate of 0.8%, where the industry average is about 3.5%.” Cut out occurs when a typical screw loosens and pushes through the hip joint, potentially leading to a hip replacement procedure and a $50,000 additional cost to the healthcare system and patient.
By reducing the need for re-operation, the Pro-X1 could have a large impact. “With hip fractures, there’s a 25% mortality rate within the first year of operating,” Kemp noted. “One significant factor is bed time. Anytime you’re re-operating on an already at-risk, elderly patient, you’re adding more time in bed, more risk of infection and other complications. The emotional toll of this care is immeasurable.”
Kemp and Owen are enthusiastic about their collaborative work at X-Bolt. “It’s really exciting because we’re helping people and trying to make a difference every day,” Owen said. Kemp added, “We all get to align around a mission that improves people’s lives and contributes positively to healthcare.”
X-Bolt is planning a Series B fundraise in 2025 to support its future expansion and advances in orthopedic trauma innovation.