Several community members have reported receiving automated phone calls from a WellSpan Health AI assistant, raising concerns about potential scams. News 8 On Your Side investigated the situation and confirmed that these calls are legitimate and part of a WellSpan community health initiative.
After receiving a voicemail from an AI voice identified as “Anna,” many viewers contacted the news team to inquire about the call’s authenticity. The voicemail stated, “Hi, this is Anna from WellSpan Health. Sorry I missed you. Call me back at this number to have a conversation about community health and how WellSpan Health can better serve you. Looking forward to speaking with you. Thanks and have a great day.”
In response to viewer concerns, News 8 On Your Side reached out to WellSpan Health. Officials clarified that the calls are a legitimate service and not a scam. “Their caution is reasonable and appropriate, but this is actually a real WellSpan service,” stated Chief Information Officer Hal Baker. “You will hear from Ana again more commonly.”
Anna is WellSpan’s generative AI assistant, which was launched in late last year. The calls are part of a community health survey, designed to gather information on how WellSpan can improve access to care, food, and housing support within the community. Anna is also employed to facilitate communication with patients before and after medical appointments and procedures.
According to WellSpan, the health system is one of the first in the country to utilize this type of AI technology.